
Apple Vision Pro, DIY HCI

Custom Interactive Hardware

Karl Koehle

I developed two unique custom hardware prototypes alongside research for my MFA (Masters of Fine Art in Design) thesis at UW-Stout. The topic “Reflections on Affective Interaction Design” also includes exploration into “delightful design” in interactive devices. Pressier is a large inflated button that measures changes in air pressure Art Roller lets you rotate the wheel to move through orderly and chaotic graphical patterns. The first device measures changes in air pressure to drive the 3D graphics in the Unity game engine. The second is a custom rotary encoder that drives values in a hypotrochoid (think Spirograph) running in Processing. Both utilize the Arduino microcontroller.

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Apple Vision Pro early impressions panel

Martin Grider, Marc Jensen, Nate Yourchuck

A handful of members got their orders in for Apple Vision Pro launch day Feb 2nd. We’ll get all their early impressions on development, productivity, UX, hardware, comfort, sharing, demoing and whatever you’d like to ask! We won’t be running demos, but the Apple store at MOA will start running demos by appointment on 2/2. If you get a demo, we want to hear your impressions and their process (which sounds tricky with custom fitting, lens inserts, eye calibration, etc.)

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